Chapter 77: Kidnapping the Kid_1

After lunch, Yingbao was walking Xiaolu while his two younger brothers sat atop Xiaolu's back. The three children leisurely strolled outside the house, digesting their meal.

Suddenly, three women appeared from the side, heading straight towards them.

Yingbao was alert and prepared to take his brothers back to the house when he saw a woman smiling at him, "Don't be scared, Yingbao. We just want to ask you a question."

Ignoring them, Yingbao led Youyou back home and shut the courtyard gate.

After putting his two younger brothers back into the room, Yingbao told Xu Chunniang, "Mom, three strangers came. They seem to be from the Han Family's house."

Upon hearing this, Chunniang furrowed her brows, quickly setting down her spinning wheel and going outside to check.

Standing at the gate were three women, one being the fourth aunt from the West Village's Wu family, another from the Han Family, and the third woman, fair-skinned, who bore some resemblance to the Han woman.