Chapter 85: Catching the Villain (Begging for Monthly Tickets)_1

Yingbao felt numb.

She seemed to understand why the innkeeper's wife was so attentive to her.

But outright refusal seemed too heartless, so she tactfully said, "Let's discuss this after I've spoken with Uncle Wu."

The innkeeper's wife happily agreed. As she left with the basin, she said, "Madam, I'll go buy a box of Rongfu Bean Paste Crisps for you to try, it's the best in our Qinchuan County."

Upon hearing this, Yingbao repeatedly shook her head: "No need, thank you Auntie, eating sweets at night is bad for the teeth."

No matter what, she couldn't accept their money and gifts, otherwise, if her real identity was revealed, she'd get beaten up.

The next day, a servant came and told Yingbao that her husband had gone to the County Government Office for work and instructed her to stay at the inn. After he finished his work, he would send someone to the countryside to bring her parents to claim her.