Chapter 97: Fishing (requesting for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets)_1

Chunniang led Youyou and said to her daughter sitting on the deer's back, "Don't just agree to treat people in the future. If anything bad happens to them, won't it ruin your reputation?"

Yingbao nodded: "Hmm, I know, mother."

She simply wanted to test the effect of the wound medicine, and Chen Zhu happened to be the best subject for this experiment.

After some time, she planned to go to the county town, buy more medicinal materials to make medicine, and see Wu Daozi while she was at it.

On her previous visit, sister Wen gave her a book of precious prescriptions. Yingbao had a quick read and decided to follow the instructions and buy some medical supplies to make some pills.

Back at their South Slope home, Yingbao unloaded the saddle from Youyou's back, led it to a secluded spot in the courtyard, and fed it some fresh beanstalks.

She patted its neck and said, "After you're done eating, go back home on your own. I need to check on how father's well is coming along."