Chapter 102: Premeditated Murder_1

Yingbao was utterly shocked.

Her father just started fighting with Qian Jiu out of the blue.

No, it was more like her father was singly-handedly thrashing Qian Jiu.

Qian Jiu was eventually beaten until blood covered his face, and Uncle Xu Da hurriedly dragged him into the house for cleaning.

Xu Qiuniang was crying incessantly, but she didn't dare to intervene between Jiang Sanlang and Chunniang.

On their way home, Jiang Sanlang used a bamboo basket to carry the twins, while Chunniang carried Yingbao. All five of them didn't say a word.

As they reached midway, they ran into Jiang Cheng who had come to meet them.

"Uncle San, how did you hurt your hand?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Only then did Jiang Sanlang notice a cut on his hand that had dried blood on it.

Chunniang was very worried. Self-reproachful, she felt it was totally unjustifiable for her not to have noticed her husband's wound.