Chapter 126: Mouse Droppings_1

Mr. Liao was finally satisfied and went with Sun Licheng to check on the Jiang Family's cotton field on the South Slope.

By this time, the cotton had grown quite tall, some even beginning to form flower buds.

Yet, there were many weeds in the field, which needed to be weeded out in time.

"The Mingfu asked me to come over to check on the growth of the cotton crops, to see if it needs additional fertilization." Born a scholar, Liao Qilin's family were also farmers, he therefore understands some things about farming.

Jiang Sanlang said: "We certainly need to fertilize it. This field of ours is of inferior quality. We have already spread pond mud and decayed plant water manure. We estimate that the yield per mu should reach around five to six hundred jin. If we don't fertilize, the yield per mu from an inferior field would only be two to three hundred jin."

Liao Qilin nodded his head, gesturing him to continue speaking.