Chapter 151: The Plank Road is Destroyed (Seeking Monthly Tickets, Recommendation Tickets) _1

At this moment, Jiang Sanlang and his crew were fighting the bandits.

The fight was taking place in a bamboo forest, and they were falling back while fighting.

The bandits outnumbered them several times over, and they were incredibly fierce, so much so that they would even kill each other in a frenzied state, completely disregarding any consequences.

Jiang Sanlang's side had never experienced this kind of battle strength, and their morale immediately plunged by half.

Seeing the situation was unfavourable, some of the villagers from Jiang village abandoned their comrades and fled into the woods, disappearing in an instant.

Chen Zhu was infuriated, "Damn it! What nonsense! I risked my life to save them, only to save a bunch of ungrateful wretches!"

"Retreat!" Jiang Sanlang waved his hand: "Run into the forest!"

With ten people from their side suddenly running away, if the rest didn't run, they would only be waiting for death.