Chapter 164: Receiving People_1

In the early morning, before the rise of the sun, a faint mist swirled around Bamboo Forest Village.

Yingbao, accompanied by her two younger brothers and Youyou, was running along the well-paved village path.

Youyou was swift, and Yingbao and her brothers trailed closely behind him, not lagging at all. Both puppies have grown up, and when they run, they are even faster than Yingbao.

The sight of the three children, two dogs, and a deer running early in the morning was quite usual for the villagers.

Zhang Meng stood at the crossroad, watching them with approval. "Those two kids are agile and athletic, they have potential. They're good prospects."

Unfortunately, the Imperial Court values scholarly pursuits over martial ability. Proposing that Jiang, the village head's twin sons, learn martial arts seems somewhat inappropriate.

"Good prospects should be trained more," Xu Kun murmured.

Zhang Meng glanced at his brother, "You're thinking of taking them as apprentices?"