Chapter 162: Fox Fairy_1

Sun Licheng soon arrived with several of the local men.

After examining the bodies and the injured bandits, Sun Licheng's stern face burst into a broad smile.

"Ah, Sanlang, this is indeed a significant contribution, hahaha."

He patted Jiang Sanlang's shoulder: "I've already sent someone on horseback to the county town to report the news. There should be someone come to take over these bandits this afternoon."

Jiang Sanlang nodded: "We were able to capture so many bandits this time thanks to our villagers' brave fight against the enemy. Many West Village residents also joined in, and dozens of craftsmen from neighboring villages helped as well. Lizheng Uncle, when you write your report, please include their names. I've already drafted a list. Please attach it with your report and send it to Mingfu."

"Of course, of course." The villagers of Chuanhe Town had made a contribution. It was as if he himself had made a contribution; there was no way Sun Licheng would refuse.