Chapter 181: Becoming a Disciple_1

Mr. Wu remained silent, carefully examining the piece of paper Jiang Jie has written on.

If this child's writing skills were to be on a person of a much older age, it might not be amazing, but he is only four years old.

Such a young child possessing such a degree of brushwork, even better than his own son when he was young.

This is such a talented child, what a pity it would be if this talent is wasted in the countryside.

Mr. Wu looked at Jiang Jie and asked, "Are you willing to become my student?"

Jiang Jie blinked his eyes, remembering his sister's admonition, and nodded, "Yes!"

His sister had said that Mr. Wu's son might be a top scholar, and so Mr. Wu must be a very capable scholar. He would be lucky to have him as a teacher, and it would be no problem for him to pass the Scholar and Top Scholar exams in the future.