Chapter 194: Sitting in Clinic_1

The next day, young Master Zhao finally left. After settling his prescription bill, he left a hundred taels of silver and a name card behind.

"So he is from the Zhao family in Prefecture City, no wonder." Doctor Li put the name card into a drawer with many others.

The Zhao family of Prefecture City was relatives to the Commander's Office, and it was said their family had produced a queen, thus they were quite prestigious locally.

However, this young master from the Zhao family seemed to be in a tight spot, could it be because of his illness?

It's not easy being from a distinguished family. Even if you are part of the main lineage, if your health is poor or your brain is not sharp, you would still be abandoned by your family.

Perhaps it was his chronic illness that led him to be given up on.

From the behavior of his accompanying servant, one could tell that this young lord was not particularly well-regarded at home.