Chapter 216: Buying a Horse_1

Yingbao and her second cousin arrived at the Mule Horse Market, stumbling on the place filled with horse dung and urine everywhere.

The siblings inspected several horses but none were to their liking.

Either the horses were too old or they were sick or impaired, and the few that were somewhat satisfactory had exorbitant prices, about thirty percent higher than usual.

Jiang Quan, unhappy with how these horse dealers were behaving, asked his younger cousin, "Should we come again next time?" He felt they were exploiting their young ages by inflating the prices.

Yingbao's eyes fixed on two skinny horses, one big and one small, and she said, "Let's see how much those two horses cost."

If the skinny horses weren't too old and the prices weren't high, she wanted to buy both.

Following the direction of his cousin's gaze, Jiang Quan frowned, "Those two don't seem very good. The larger horse has lost much of its fur, and the little one seems sick. I doubt they'd survive."