Chapter 241: Hedgehog_1

"No, I...I just miss home."

Chen Tiantian wiped her eyes and stood up: "Xiao Langjun, please don't go, she hasn't really bullied me. But...but serving the Crown Prince in the inner hall was the Empress' decree, and I'm afraid she will blame me if she finds out that I didn't obey her order."

Xiao Chengjun knit his brows tighter, pondered for a moment, and said, "Come with me."

Chen Tiantian silently followed behind Xiao Chengjun, all the way to the entrance of the main hall.

Xiao Chengjun spoke to the two eunuchs guarding the hall: "I've brought someone to visit the Crown Prince."

He was the Empress's own nephew and the Crown Prince's companion, so his movements in and out of the main hall were rather casual.

Bringing a palace maid into the hall now, the gate-guarding eunuch naturally had no right to stop him.

So, Chen Tiantian followed Xiao Chengjun into the inner hall.