Chapter 253: Scholar_1

Yingbao received the yellow talisman paper and cinnabar, as well as a brush, brought by the shopkeeper.

She ground the cinnabar into a fine paste with a drip of water and drew an eviction talisman with the brush.

The quality of the talisman was not very good, its lines were still a bit twisted and warped, but it looked passable.

Unfortunately, she had forgotten to obtain a peach wood sword, a priest robe, and a priest hat. Otherwise, she could have been a proper Forbidden Curse Master.

The shopkeeper stood beside the child, watching her fumble around with a puzzled expression on his face.

He dared not judge the quality of the talisman she drew, but it seemed that the little girl might indeed be a shaman.

When she was chanting and drawing the talisman, her mother and sister showed no surprise, indicating that she often treated people this way.

The shopkeeper began to feel hopeful.