Chapter 307: Searching for People_1

No matter what, in this life, she would not let go of those who had harmed her.

Han Yueniang, Pei Shixian, and that leading lady Chen Tiantian, she would remember the grudges of today and if they did not pay the price, her life would be in vain.

Yingbao looked around and then walked towards a place that seemed like a village in the distance.

The deeper she went, the autumn insects murmured, and the dew of deep autumn quickly soaked her trouser legs and socks.

Yingbao staggered onto a threshing ground.

There were several stacks of straw here, just enough for her to shelter.

She pulled out some straw bit by bit and hollowed out a cave in the haystack. Yingbao crawled in.

She took a blanket from the cave and wrapped it around her, ate something casually, and then slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In her dreams, countless scenes flashed by like a revolving lantern, all of which she had never seen before.