Chapter 310: Jujube Tree Village_1

"What's with all the questions? Anyway, our master is not a picky eater when he's travelling."

Zhang Min lifted some salt and carried it towards a thatched hut.

Yingbao followed behind, scanning around.

A few curious children were watching her and Zhang Min, one of whom spoke to Zhang Min, "You are Zhang Min, right?"

Zhang Min grinned and said, "Yeah, don't you recognize me? Little Douzi."

The boy known as Little Douzi gave a chuckling smile, "I almost didn't recognize you, you've put on quite a bit of weight."

Zhang Min replied, "I haven't gained weight, just grew taller. Hmm? You seem to still be short." And thin.

Little Douzi's face darkened in response, "I'm not short, you just got fatter."

The two continued their banter as they entered the hut.

The inside of the hut was narrow and gloomy. It had a brick bed, both inside and out, covered with a ragged reed mat.

Zhou Wuchang and two elderly men were already sitting on the bed, chatting away.