Chapter 320: Sweet Smell_1

"Yuying has gone to school, she hasn't finished yet."

Jiang Yunniang invited Zhang Xiaolang inside, and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Zhang Xiaolang shook his head.

Jiang Yunniang sighed, led him to the kitchen in the backyard, and made him a bowl of noodles topped with two poached eggs.

Zhang Xiaolang finished eating quickly, and even took the initiative to wash his own bowl and chopsticks clean.

Jiang Yunniang didn't say much, seeing his messy hair and dirty clothes, she picked up the comb and combed his hair for him, asking, "You are five years old this year, didn't your father let you go to school?"

Zhang Xiaolang shook his head: "Dad is sick and lies in bed all day, my stepmother and sister-in-law don't like me, they told me to get lost and not to come back anymore."

Jiang Yunniang was silent for a while, and said, "Well, you can stay here with Yuying for a while."