Chapter 324: Ascending the Divine Altar_1

The concubine, caught off guard and hit by Zhang Yuying a few times and unable to fend her off, immediately began to shriek, "Qiu Ling! Qiu Ling! Come and help!"

Qiu Ling, the niece, hurried out from inside the house. Upon seeing her aunt being beaten up, she quickly grabbed a broom from next to the wall and aimed it at Zhang Yuying's face.

Seeing their brother being grabbed and hit by two women, Hong Xiao and Zhang Xiaolang bravely put aside their fear and rushed over to shove Qiu Ling.

Thus, the few of them ended up fighting each other.

But Zhang Yuying was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and Hong Xiao was no more than nine years old. The two of them couldn't beat the two grown women.

As for Zhang Xiaolang, he was just a five-year-old child. He tried to push his aunt away, but being small and all, he was shoved aside by his aunt, left sprawling on the ground for a while before he could get up.