Chapter 345: Resettling Refugees_1

Jiang Sanlang found the scene before his eyes more astonishing than Chunniang did.

Though he knew his daughter could summon objects out of thin air, he hadn't known about such a place, where he and his wife could also enter.

"Baobao, can you bring others here and did you mention this to anyone else?" Jiang Sanlang was still worried about his daughter's recklessness.

Zhou Wuchang, though her master, was different from him and his wife.

He wasn't the one who raised Yingbao and he certainly wouldn't have her best interests at heart.

Besides, Jiang Sanlang noticed, Zhou Wuchang was deep in thought and wouldn't care much about the life and death of villagers like himself.

"No, I told my master that I could only retrieve objects, not bring living things." Yingbao couldn't fully trust her master.

However, it was true that her master had offended Pei Shixian out of indignation on her behalf.