Chapter 354: Raw Eggs_1

Youyou, who was asleep and curled up in the cave after eating and drinking, woke up, stared at Yingbao for a while in confusion, and then stumbled toward her and nuzzled her.

Yingbao patted its head and began to think about how to fight back if they encountered a Jurchen squad.

Relying on themselves alone, although they have all studied martial arts, they couldn't defeat an equal number of desperados. They must think of a foolproof plan, preferably one that would scare them off without a fight.

She cast her gaze at the weird divine mask and the ceremonial robe worn during rituals.

If all else failed, she might as well pretend to be a deity.

Yingbao went up to the second floor to pick a lot of flowers, two big baskets full of peonies, roses, chrysanthemums, and so on.

She also prepared a few large gourds.

These gourds were not hollowed out, so they were very heavy, and she could suddenly throw them out when they weren't expected.