Chapter 356: No one to help_1

Yingbao, startled by the news, hurried outside with her younger brother.

On the way, she ran into Zhang Xuehua and her two half-sisters.

"Yingbao, where are you going?" Zhang Xuehua was about to ask Yingbao about the situation outside the city when she saw her rushing out. She couldn't help but ask.

Without turning her head, Yingbao replied, "I am going over to Jiangkouzi!" and with that, she had already run out the gate of the Moon Gate.

Once on the street, there were hardly any passersby. Occasionally, though, she saw families of wealth coming out with a group of servants, all holding things like wooden clubs and hatchets, all rushing towards the river bank.

Yingbao was reassured as she passed a disheveled area piled with bricks.

She guessed these bricks must belong to someone who was preparing to build a house, there were two large stacks of them.