Chapter 62, A Slap as Big as a Face_1

The lively atmosphere in the open field suddenly went still. All the beasts turned to look at Ge Xing and Shaman.

They exchanged a glance, the Shaman sent the little cubs back to their mothers and turned to return to his cave.

Ge Xing lifted the beast skin on his body to wipe his mouth and then waved a big hand, "Everyone gather the stuff and take it back to your own caves, don't let the Tumang Tribe see it."

With that, he got up and walked towards the edge of the tribe.

Lu Te, along with ten orcs of the Tumang Tribe, stood outside the Watson Tribe, frequently glanced around, their eyes cast on the surrounding forest with undisguised greed. They believed that sooner or later, they would take this territory and claim it as the Tumang Tribe's.

"Clan Leader, should we take the Golden Lion cub..." He hardened his face, filled with murderous intent before he could finish.