Chapter 81, Little Ancestor_1

"Right, Brother Xiu Yan, let's keep Moumou. Look how obedient it is. When it grows up, it can help carry lots of things I can't!" Ji Nuan said, stroking the calf's head, her voice filled with joy at the prospect of having another helping hand at home.

Xiu Yan's hand, holding a porcelain bowl, trembling slightly. The Giggle Beast bone in his mouth was ground into powder by his teeth in an instant. His deep, wolf-like eyes stealthily glanced at the Green Bull Beast cub peacefully grazing, and then turned to look at Ji Nuan who was full of affection for the calf, feeling wronged.

Little resentments bubbled up from the depths of his heart.

Isn't having me enough?

Am I not strong enough?

Why do we need another annoying baby beast?

Setting down his stone bowl, Xiu Yan rolled his eyes, and in an instant, a chubby Little Silver Wolf appeared on the beast skin.

He licked his chubby paws, stuck his plump little butt in the air, and shook his fur.