Chapter 83, That Person is Feeling Guilty _1

The matter of the purple fruit has sparked another wave of enthusiasm in the Watson Tribe. The tribe members have never been so confident in the face of a more stringent cold season, at least, their confidence lies in not going hungry.

Every day, countless Stinky Fruits, prey, and purple fruits were gathered by the Orcs and females and brought back. Ji Nuan taught the tribe members how to make the carrying baskets.

Now, the carrying baskets have become an indispensable item in every Orc family in the Watson Tribe.

Ji Nuan also carried her small basket and went out to gather with the tribe members.

However, the food she gathered was all placed in Xiu Yan's cave. The tribespeople greatly respected Ji Nuan, who had discovered so much preservable food, so they didn't carry the foods she had gathered back to the public Food Storage Cave.

If it weren't for Ji Nuan's firm opposition, everyone would have planned to first fill her and Xiu Yan's cave with food.