Chapter 115, Little Meow_1

"If the Rabbit Tribe really gets accepted by the Watson Tribe, maybe your Deer Clan will have a chance to join the Watson Tribe!" The words of Elder Cat seemed to hit a particular chord in Deer Nine's heart.

He gazed intently at Elder Cat: "If so, that would be great. We would also have a powerful tribe for protection and a shaman who can cure illnesses..."

As they spoke, both creatures unconsciously got teary-eyed.

As weak creatures, they were accustomed to living at the bottom of the food chain, often losing many of their kind to more ferocious beasts.

This fear-filled existence had continued generation after generation, which brought great suffering and hardship to the weak tribes.

They could only hope for future generations to be traded back by powerful Beast Tribes, so they would no longer have to live in constant life-and-death fear just like their parents.