Chapter 146, Strategic Deployment?_1

"Attack our tribe???" Ge Xing's loud voice made the ears of Ji Nuan, sitting next to him, buzz.

Grandma Shaman, seeing Ji Nuan's discomfort, raised her wooden stick and tapped Ge Xing's head: "What are you yelling for? Afraid the beasts won't hear you?"

She then turned her head to look at the little Fu Yi: "Do you know why?"

Bringing out the cat cub: "Miao Miao heard, they can no longer catch large game in their tribal territory, they are now eating fruits and wild vegetables."

"It seems the situation of the Tumang Tribe is much more serious than ours." Grandma Shaman sighed, and Chief Ge Xing also nodded solemnly.

"Regardless of the reason, we must first settle the females, cubs, and old Orcs in our tribe." The harsh winter is approaching, and war is imminent, life is too tough for these beasts.