Chapter 185, Self-rescue_1

Forest Bear had now formed some sort of anxiety towards Qi Mo, the noise-maker. Its burly limbs continued to pace back and forth in the snow, seemingly wavering between whether or not to eat this food that caused discomfort to its ears.

Little Maomao on Fu Yi's body calmed down due to the Forest Bear's indecision. While bearing the pain of his retreat wounds, he exerted an immense pressure from within.

A massive aura unique to top-level predators was dumped onto the unfortunate Forest Bear in an instant.

The huge, famished creature's small-round ears on the top of its head drooped towards the back, and its chubby rear end shrank timidly.

It shrieked and turned its tail to flee, taking off with its tail between its legs.

Welcome to the contentWe watched open-mouthed for a long time, as it ran off with desolate cries.

It's been a long time since we've seen a Forest Bear this cowardly, could it be because it's too young?