Chapter 200, Falling Ill_1

"Where did this beast come from?" Bosson asked, raising his thickly wrapped beast skin-booted foot to nudge the creature lying in the snow, addressing his question to his fellow tribesmen.

A grey-haired Orc scratched his head, "I saw a snow hare and wanted to catch it, but this orc rushed out from the forest. I was preparing to fight, but he collapsed in the snow and went still."

(Buddy, bad news, you just got bamboozled.)

Bosson raised an eyebrow, "A few of you, lift him. When we rest in the cave up ahead, we'll wake him up and ask."

The Orcs nodded, clumsily lifting the hay-filled beast and trailing behind Bosson in the same direction.


"Ah Nuan, Spirit Child has been crying non-stop today. I don't know what's wrong; it's making me so upset." Red-eyed Ge Ye clung onto Ji Nuan's arm, her eyes filled with helpless pity.

Ji Nuan wrapped an arm around her shoulder, gently patting her back, "Where are the others?"