Chapter 202, Encounter_1

Little Pipi was furious, her dirty little face puffing up like a baby goldfish, which made her even funnier.

The laughter of the other beasts did not stop because of her angry face; instead, it grew louder.

Even the usually stern Bosson had a smile in his golden eyes.

Little Pippi felt quite wronged. (The baby is bitter in her heart, but the baby doesn't say it.)

Seeing the tears welling up in the little female's eyes, Bosson finally picked up his sympathy, which he didn't know where he'd thrown away, and coughed into his fist, "Alright, alright, stop laughing. How can any males bully a little female like this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was surrounded by disapproving glances from all angles. (You're covered in fur yourself, and still call others monsters.)

Little Pipi also cast a disdainful glance at this orc who appeared to be mature and steady, but actually had a comical side.