Chapter 206, Encounter Danger_1

"Xiu Yan, let's go straight to the back mountain. The Clan Leader had asked us to patrol there as well." Lei Er suggested.

Xiu Yan nodded, "Let's go."


"Are we there yet?" Ever since he heard the news about his sister, Little Pipi has been acting like he's on speed, asking non-stop.

The Orcs with him were getting frightened by his incessant chattering!

Only Bosson persistently stayed by his side. The little She-Orc's fighting strength was limited so he was worried that Little Pipi might get hurt if danger arose.

"We're almost there. Orcs from the tribe patrol these parts every day, so you must keep up with us." Di Feng said, then ran towards the front at a faster pace.

The back mountain, which usually echos with the sounds of wild beasts, seemed eerily quiet for some reason today, creating an uneasy atmosphere.