Chapter 239, Food is a Big Problem_1

The deep-set eyes turned to Ji Nuan: "You can't not apply it. If you apply it, it'll hurt for a bit, but if you don't, it'll hurt for a long time."

(Getting hurt feels good for a moment, but being constantly hurt is blissful.)

Ji Nuan couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight of the orc who, on ordinary days, was tall and robust, acting as if he were untouchable, but was now whimpering about pain here and there. It was hilariously absurd.

All she could do was glare at him and continue applying the potion.

Xiu Yan gazed down at the little female who was seriously applying the potion to his wounds, his heart felt incredibly soft.

After applying the medication, Ji Nuan tidied up the bed in the tent and looked at the weary-eyed orc: "You rest for a bit. I'm going to check on the other orcs. What would you like to eat tonight?"