Chapter 259, Trap_1

The Watson Tribe was exceptionally lively tonight. What was supposed to be a small gathering of Ji Nuan and a few orcs turned into a large gathering of the tribe, with well-acquainted orcs sitting around one campfire. There were pots over the fire, filled with a variety of different foods.

In some orc families' pots, noodles were being boiled, while others contained a purple fruit porridge made from the carefully preserved crispy sweet fruits.

Three large pots were arranged over the campfire of Ji Nuan and his orc friends. In one pot, they were cooking purple fruit rice, in another, they were simmering a fragrant Giggle Beast soup, and in the last one, they were preparing to stir-fry some spicy enticing Giggle Beast chunks.

The rich aroma spread over the tribe, as if a light veil had enveloped the tribe, and under this veil was a paradise for the cubs.