Chapter 262, Stay? _1

Within a short while, Xiu Yan had arrived at the city wall with a few beasts in tow. He tossed the orc in his hands onto the ground. "He's the clan leader of Gray Bear Tribe."

"Hmm?" Ge Xing raised an eyebrow, squatting down next to the orc. He swept aside the hair on the orc's face. The familiar face that appeared before him was none other than the elder bear, who had visited the Watson tribe twice before.

Ge Xing picked up the seemingly dead elder bear, shaking him lightly. "Why is elder bear here?" He asked, turning to Xiu Yan for answers.

Xiu Yan curled his lip slightly in a smirk. "Not sure, but when we found him, he was hanging from a tree. There was blood everywhere."

Ji Nuan passed Xiu Yan the beast skin she was holding. "Then why have you guys returned just now?"