The Orc on the very edge shifted the Green Sheep Beast he was carrying onto his other shoulder and then cautiously inserted himself into the conversation, "Not to be the one to say it, brothers, but Captain Xiu Yan did say that not only do we have to capture Green Bull Beasts and Green Sheep Beasts, we also need to bring back some Giggle Beasts and Gagabeasts."
Seeing that the surrounding Orcs were all looking at him, he pursed his lips, and a blush spread across his wheat-colored skin. Being stared at by so many of his tribe, the Orc felt a bit embarrassed and pursed his lips again, "Should we catch some when we head back?"
The Orcs, who had just been showing off, immediately froze at his words, looking at each other in astonishment, "Did Captain Xiu Yan say to catch Giggle Beasts and Gagabeasts?"