Chapter 92: Song of Rejuvenation by Pu Shan_1


A long, drawn-out silence.

It was Chu Liang who finally broke the silence, speaking in a weak voice: "When he still had a head, he was known as Marquis Ding Shan."

"His family name is 'Ass'? That's a strange one..." Empress Feng exclaimed.

"Could it possibly... be a title?" Chu Liang sighed.

He had crushed the Tailing Jade Talisman and summoned his master to his aid as soon as he overheard the Young Marquis planning to murder someone by the riverside. After all, the Young Marquis was no fool; if he had set a trap to kill him, he would surely send someone with enough strength to do so. Unsure of the enemy's arrangements, Chu Liang called for help as swiftly as possible.

Unfortunately, the talisman wasn't a teleportation one. Even if Empress Feng responded immediately, travel took some time. Chu Liang had initially intended to stall for time, but the Young Marquis gave him no chance to do so, directly ordering Master Lu to attack.