Chapter 100 Flying Leaf Sharp Knife_1

When Chu Liang returned to Silver Sword Peak, he found another paper crane resting on the table outside his house. Opening it, he saw that it was sent by Jiang Yuebai.

When he had returned to Shu Mountain previously, he had sent Jiang Yuebai a paper crane. However, he figured she hadn't returned yet, hence no reply.

The message was simple, stating that she had arrived safely and all was well.

Thinking of learning divine skills, a faint smile crossed Chu Liang's face.

Just as he was about to go inside, he noticed a figure leisurely flying towards him, landing on the small slope in front of his house.

It was Wen Yulong.

He arrived quickly.

It hadn't even been two days since their last visit to the Chuan Jian Hall and he had already completed his task? Chu Liang couldn't help but marvel at Wen Yulong's efficiency.

It seems that he would lose sleep and forget meals in pursuit of his artifact refining craft.