Chapter 23: Golden Fur Beast? 【New Book Seeks Monthly Ticket!】_1

"Choose this one?" Xu Hongqiu asked.

Immediately, the staff behind her in the Ten Thousand Beasts Hall suddenly showed a hint of joy.

"Damn." Chu Liang muttered. These people were so happy, could it be that they had chosen the wrong one?

"Then, please take this beast away with you," Xu Hongqiu gestured lightly, and a subordinate stepped forward to open the cage.

"Beast?" Empress Feng and her student Chu Liang both exclaimed in surprise.

Speaking of demons and monsters.

Among the four, it is difficult to distinguish between untransformed demon beasts and spirit beasts. But generally speaking, the value of spirit beasts is far higher than that of demon beasts.

Since humans are considered the most intelligent creatures, many demon beasts who have made progress in their cultivation choose to transform into human form in order to better understand the laws of heaven and earth and improve their cultivation. This is also in part to blend in easier among humans.