Chapter 53 Freaks [Looking for monthly votes!]_1

Running away from home?

Chu Liang turned his head back, looking at the clear four characters on the plaque of Xuanyuan Villa, which was less than a hundred feet away...

He then looked back at Ji Lingyu, who was standing beside him, and couldn't help but comment, "You must be really tired from running so far."

"Hehe..." Ji Lingyu gave an embarrassed laugh and replied, "You don't understand, it's not like I'm trying to get very far. Our family is very strict with family members leaving. I've tried to run away many times before, but every time my elders would predict my whereabouts using the Search Heaven and Earth technique. So this time, I decided to do the opposite and just stay on the outskirts of Xuanyuan Villa. The Emperor Hong Valley has a shield that blocks divine foresights so no one can foresee my location, this way I am safe from search."