Chapter 23: Coming to the Door [Thanks to Alliance Hierarch 'Ling Du Yu' for the rewards!]

"Hey, look at the magical treasure!"

After Lin Bei shouted, he flicked his right hand, and a silver light shot out like a moon disc.

The chubby kid behind him could vaguely see that it was a circular artifact. Its spirituality wasn't particularly strong, and it didn't fly towards the Baize cubs, but instead slipped into the nearby bushes.

Did it veer off course?

And such significant deviation at that! He couldn't help but grumble in his heart.

But the miraculous thing was that as the artifact flew further away, the Baize cub briskly chased after it, vanishing as quickly as lightning!

"Huh?" The chubby kid was baffled, not understanding the principle of the artifact.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and go get the clue!" Lin Bei quickly pointed to the giant rock aside.