Chapter 79: Did you just win over loneliness? 【Vote for the monthly ticket!】_1

"Such a shame." Empress Feng shook her head, "Just a bit more..."

"I knew it would end this way." Wang Xuanling snorted coolly, as if he had known all along that Jiang Yuebai would win.

Old Man Sikong, who was sitting next to him, glanced at him and chuckled without saying a word.

He had observed first-hand how Wang Xuanling had maintained a straight posture and a straight face, except his lips were trembling slightly, and his fingers clenched the sleeve of his clothes underneath the table in secret. It seemed he was always murmuring that Jiang Yuebai had to win.

The level of his anxiety probably surpassed that of Empress Feng by many times.

After all, if he really lost the head of the Peaks to Empress Feng, it would be an event that would bring shame to the ancestors of the Shu Mountain Sect. Put bluntly, what if something unexpected happened to Master Wen Yuan? Wouldn't Empress Feng suddenly become the Shu Mountain Sect Leader then?

Could anyone imagine such a scene?