Chapter 17 Where Does the Disciple Dare to Ask for Any Rewards【Request for Monthly Passes!】_1

Chirp, chirp, chirp.

The Golden Butterfly Baby was curled up in Chu Liang's palm, appearing quite sleepy, yet Chu Liang didn't stop poking it on its little meaty head with his finger. The little fellow wrapped its head with its large wings, trying to get some quiet.

But Chu Liang continued to poke its round bottom. It then wrapped its bottom with its wings.

Then Chu Liang began poking its head again.

The little creature squirmed around, acting adorably cute.

Ever since turning into a butterfly, its intellect seemed to have increased considerably. It was now rather close to the intelligence of some cats or dogs and was very attached to its master, Chu Liang, most of the time.

However, after eating the Wish Spirit from the Treasure Vase last time, it had been sleeping in the White Pagoda's space, being mostly unconscious. This was also the case before its previous transformations, suggesting that it might transform again soon.