Chapter 24 3 Beating Feng Chaoyang [Asking for Monthly Tickets!]_1

Why are there so few Fire Phoenixes here? This is strange indeed.

Luo Xiaoyong left the Central Peak and wandered about the Secret Realm, and found very few Fire Phoenixes.

He frowned, still hoping to get the Phoenix Sheep Life Fruit as soon as possible and leave this place.

People who practice the Lunar Sect cultivation technique would not like this Phoenix Sheep Secret Realm filled with scorching sun energies. But it seems that the purpose of the Lunar Sect to send disciples here for training is to make them adapt to this environment, isn't it?

He flew quite a distance, and when he spotted traces of Fire Phoenixes again, he was quite surprised.

Because there were hundreds of Fire Phoenixes gathered in this place, forming a cloud of flames, fluttering in the front, chasing something.