Chapter 38 Why are you so proficient? [Ask for monthly ticket!] _1

"Thank you all."

Chu Liang politely handed a bag of Vermilion Bird Coins to the steward with a big smile, it was heaving to the point that there must be quite a few inside.

"Hey." The steward patted his chest, "It's our honor to serve Young Hero Chu, no need to be so polite."

While saying there was no need to be polite, he unambiguously accepted the reward.

Turning around, he said to the servants and maids behind him: "Keep this to yourselves when you get back, there will be rewards for you all."

"We shall leave then. If we are successful, we will return to express our thanks." Chu Liang cheerfully responded.

"The young heroes will surely triumph." The steward bid farewell with his hands cupped, very respectfully.

Chu Liang turned around and he, along with Yun Chaoxian, got on the Golden Fur Beast and took off into the air.

"Incredible." Yun Chaoxian said, wide-eyed, "You really have some tricks up your sleeve."