Chapter 54: You Dare to Venture to Silver Sword Peak [Requesting Monthly Tickets!]_1

This issue of the Strategy of Nine States, although lacks any major news, is still fascinating and not dull.

Even the incident of the loss and recovery of Ba Xia's Double Rings from Wuji Mountain Manor by the Heavenly Gang Sect as a trial, also made it to the news, only the coverage was minor and it mostly mentioned the four disciples of the Heavenly Gang Sect.

Although Chu Liang and his companions made significant contributions, they were guests who helped along, in the news, they were destined to be secondary characters.

Chu Liang then eagerly opened the Jianghu Yiwon Record.

It did not disappoint him, right at the start was the news of Red Cotton Peak's business solicitation, which was the first piece on the Jianghu Yiwon Record.

Zhang Xiaohan kept her promise.