Chapter 100 That's Not a Rumor [Request for Monthly Tickets!]_1

The possibility of warding off evil by spending money had crossed Huyan Bin's mind. However, he didn't expect Chu Liang to demand so much right from the get-go, already exceeding his imagination by over tenfold.

How dare he?

Lin Bei beside him was also greatly taken aback.

He had heard tales of Chu Liang taking advantage of Shang Ziliang, akin to robbery. But this demand went beyond robbery; it was almost like a wishful thinking.

Even though running his family business over the years had transformed Huyan Bin's temper into an unbreakable one, there was a brief moment when he wanted to curse in frustration.

However, following he heard Chu Liang say, "If you invest, a share of Red Cotton Peak's profits every year for the next ten years will be divided to you."

"You..." Huyan Bin abruptly swallowed his harsh words, swiftly replaced with, "What you mean is that the future business of Red Cotton Peak will count as a share for Taotie City?"