Chapter 2: Jade Dragon Pond Event [ Vote for monthly ticket! ] _1

"I don't get it."

Feng Chaoyang was looking at the grand pavilion in the distance, expressing his genuine confusion.

Their Heavenly King Sect arrived early, and after a thorough selection process, they finally picked this courtyard, believing it was the best accommodation.

It was indeed at first.

But how can someone reside in the royal pavilion?

Are you by any chance royalty?

Even the royal family doesn't receive this type of treatment so casually, right?

Compared to the palace on the mountainside, their own courtyard suddenly seemed like a guardhouse where an old watchman lived, diminishing their initial excitement.

Normally, cultivators wouldn't mind.

But comparison is the thief of joy.

Not only was the Heavenly King Sect perplexed, but even the members of the Shu Mountain Sect couldn't understand. They all looked at the young palace maid with suspicion.