Chapter 7: Such a Big Second Master? [Seeking monthly tickets!]_1

This place was referred to as a sword cottage, but it actually occupied a fairly extensive area. Atop the mountain peak, there was a lake, next to which was a spacious open ground, in the center of which stood a rather large bronze furnace, and beside it, a small house.

Currently, a dark golden flame was burning fiercely inside the bronze furnace, and suspended above the flame was a kitchen knife shining with a golden light! A young disciple was standing in front of the furnace, placing pieces of spiritual coal into it, enhancing the momentum of the furnace fire.

When Chu Liang and Jiang Yuebai snuck in, this was the scene they saw. The two of them crouched low and hid on one side, not daring to make any rash movements for now.

"That should be the famous knife." Jiang Yuebai relayed in telepathic communication.

They couldn't blatantly use these stolen goods, so they planned to re-refine them.