Chapter 79: Battlefield on Fire, Ye Feng Arrived!_1


"The Demon Clan's Heavenly Saint Realm has been deployed, and they've surrounded the five God-tier geniuses from the Holy Institute."

In Beacon City, within an unknown space, a voice roared in surprise and anger.

Immediately after, eleven terrifying auras began to churn.

"They're quite bold, if they've chosen to start a war then we'll oblige them!"

A voice roared in anger.

"Xu Tianyang has already led a team out of the city for a rescue mission. But since the Demon Clan's attention is on those five, they won't let go easily. It seems we're in for a fight."

The voice from before sounded again, followed by eleven figures leaping into the sky becoming eleven rounds of bright sun.


In an instant, the world was in turmoil, endless Yuan Qi rolled backwards, and a terrifying force spread from Beacon City to the battlegrounds on the outskirts.

"Children of the Demon Clan, how dare you!"