51. New Player and "Random Drop"_2

Boy, the distinction between students and working adults is quite stark.

The Tiger Leopard Riders and the Four Man Soldiers started calling each other brothers like they were old friends while the six students sat shyly, blushing at the long-legged Sister Pomegranate.

Why are you blushing like nervous school kids?


Are all college students this innocent nowadays?

Shouldn't you be asking for her contact and fawning over her? What are you waiting for?


Murphy saw that if he didn't say something soon, these young players would start to do as they liked. He coughed and attracted their attention, pushing his odd thoughts aside.

He was about to speak when Cui Si tossed a psychic spell ever so subtly on him from behind. As Murphy began to speak, a strong mental blow blasted the young players' minds.

The unsuspecting students fell to the ground.

Murphy looked back at Cui Si with surprise, who nonchalantly signaled him in a "keep calm and carry on" manner.