105. Make sure to pass the SC before challenging the BOSS, if you can't then you will be finished oh【45/60】_1

It was a few hours later when the novice players logged back on.

They had slept deeply and soundly in another world. Except for the few unfortunate who had been killed while raiding the dungeon, the remaining 39 logged on simultaneously at the prearranged time.

It was the weekend, and they were all ready to have fun once again.

However, when they woke up in the underground warehouse – the "Dungeon Save Point", even the most obtuse of players could sense the palpable change in the atmosphere of the Blood Eagle Corridor.

The place was noticeably subdued compared to the day before, and an unsettling chill seemed to permeate the air.

"You're finally awake, warriors."

Greeting them outside the warehouse was Sir Morphy's loyal servant, Maxim.

Despite having obviously been in the thick of battle, the white-haired swordsman maintained a cold, battle-ready demeanor, and through the Calculating Pearl, announced to the players in front of him: