106. My Clan Leader Father · Nightmare Special Edition【46/60】_3

"I won't deny that, but I think your Lord Pa Ying might not get a chance to taste my sins."


Countless lives flood into the Blood Hall, ultimately awakening the ultimate enemy, a human figure enveloped by scattered purple starlight slowly rises from the rapidly boiling Blood Pool.

The intensity of the chaotic force in the hall instantly increased at this moment.

Several elite Witch Hunters immediately clasped their heads cry out in pain, only saved from the edge of madness by quick-acting players who dragged them into Palano's increasingly bright arbitration aura.

In front of everyone, the figure rising from the blood pool had finally shed the last drop of viscous blood and revealed his true appearance.

A classic Blood Vulture ceremonial suit.

Beyond the red-black fitted hunting suit was a crimson cloak secured over the left shoulder with a vulture clasp. He hung his head, looking as if asleep or even dead.